A Special Occasion: Jewelry

Jewelry care means taking extra care in how you store and clean it.

How to take care of and protect your jewelry

If your jewelry has any value, it is important enough to be taken care of. Jewelry care involves taking care of your jewelry so it does not become damaged.

Jewellery, or any jewelry, should be purchased because they are beautiful. Your aesthetic sense of beauty is influenced by the quality of the jewelry and the shine, luster, and fire of its gems. The more expensive jewelry you choose, the longer it will be worn. It is important to avoid dull gems and scratched settings. There are many things that can go wrong, but jewelry is usually damaged when someone neglects to take the time to look after it.

Jewelry does not require special care. In most cases, it is enough to be careful. Some types of jewellery, however, require special care because gems can be soft, absorbent, and fragile.

You must remember that the harder the gemstone and the higher the Mohs scale for hardness, the better it will be. If the angle is right, a gem that has high or prominent cleavage can sometimes be fragile. Hardness does not necessarily imply toughness. A gem that is tough may be easier to scratch, but less likely to break or shatter. These attributes have a direct impact on how jewelry is worn, cleaned, stored, and remodelled.

Similar properties are shared by metals. The harder it is for silver and gold to be damaged, the purer it will be. You must also take into account the combination of metal and gem or gems. A metal like sterling silver may not be the best to clean, but it might be for gems. You must look at the jewelry as a whole.

These points tie in with the last point: taking care of your jewelry to protect it against loss. The jewelry will disappear regardless of how careful you are with cleaning it and how safe you keep it. The precautions you take in this regard include the ones you would take to protect something you love. It’s common sense. That applies regardless of the value or insurance. Common sense is all you need to do with any jewelry.

Protection of jewelry

First, consider what you do with jewelry. Common sense is key to preventing loss. Rings are a great example.

Rings are likely to be more damaged by negligence than any other kind of jewelry. Rings are more prone to being removed than necklaces, bracelets, pins, and earrings. Ring wearers should be aware of the following: Wear your rings everywhere you go, and take care with your money.

Men and Women tend to see rings in different ways, according to the incident.

– Cleaning and Storing jewelry

How do you dispose of jewelry? First, ensure that you have somewhere safe to store your jewelry. A safe place for jewelry is important to protect it from both loss and damage.

It should never be placed in a jewelry container that is already full of other jewelry. The jewelry can easily get damaged or scratched. Protecting your jewelry from damage by other pieces is the best option. If you don’t have separate boxes for each item of jewelry from the jeweler to protect them, make sure that each piece is in its own bag or case and not just drop it into a regular jewelry box.

A plastic bag is usually a better substitute for leather or cloth. Plastic should not ever be used with pearls or opals. Ivory, on the other hand, needs air to maintain its beauty. Plastic can be used with other jewelry because you can see the pieces of jewelry in the bag. This method is excellent for costume jewelry. Costume jewelry can be as easily scratched, if any, than precious jewellery.

It is also crucial to clean jewelry that has gems and retain its beauty. Even soaps can cause yellowing of gold. The most common tarnish-prone metal is silver. However, almost all American sterling Silver jewelry is coated using rhodium to prevent tarnishing. Wear retards tarnish and silver that is used daily rarely requires polishing. It may still require cleaning.

All metals can be cleaned now and again to remove dirt or soap film. There are generally four ways of cleaning jewelry. All four methods can be used to clean precious metal and diamonds. But they are not compatible and all safe for every type of jewelry. These are some of the most popular cleaning methods. Be sure to read on for more information about specific metals and gems.

Detergents Bath. Use warm water and mild detergent in a small bowl. After soaking the jewelry, use a brush to clean the edges. Use warm running water to rinse the jewelry. Let dry using lintelscloth. You should not use any strung jewelry, such as pearls or ivory, for soft gems.

– Soak in cold water. Combine half the household ammonia (half cold) in a small bowl or cup. Then, soak the jewelry for 30 minutes. The jewelry should not be left unattended for any length of time or overnight. Remove the jewelry after 30 minutes. If necessary, use a brush to clean the front and back with an eyebrow brush. Then, gently rinse the jewelry in the solution once more and let it dry on tissue. Avoid soft gems and strung jewelry such as pearls or ivory.

– Quick dip. Quick dip is a common method used to clean commercial jewelry. Cleaners can be different so it is important that you carefully read the instructions and adhere to them. You must not use cleaners for any other jewelry than those specifically mentioned, unless you have checked with a jeweler.

– Ultrasonic cleaners. These tiny machines are readily available. It is generally a simple principle to clean jewelry by using high frequency turbine. Please read the instructions carefully and don’t use the machine on any other jewelry than those specifically mentioned. These machines may not be safe for your diamonds. It is important to speak with your jeweler about the safety of these machines before buying one.

These are the basic methods. Gems and certain metals require special attention. The below methods will not harm most precious gems. They are safe for those metals. You should keep in mind that certain gemstones need extra care. You should always consult your jeweler if there are any questions about cleaning jewelry.

1) Copper

Copper can tarnish as silver when it is exposed to moisture and/or sulfur. To prevent jewelry from tarnishing in most cases, a lacquer will be applied to the surface. You can clean copper with any commercial cleaner approved for copper. Avoid ammonia because it can cause copper deterioration.

2) Gold

Due to the higher content of base metals and alloys, the lower the karats, more gold will color. Mild soap, water, and ammonia can remove the discoloration quickly. This is a way to add a substance that could cause tarnish. Avoiding skin discoloration by keeping gold clean is the best thing. Avoid using hair spray to apply any gold with gems.

Gold-filled. It is possible to make jewelry with gold filled. You can clean jewelry made of gold filled with the same methods as karat. Just use mild soap and a bit of ammonia.

Rolled gold plates Rolled gold plat may contain less than rolled or gold, but it should still be cleaned the same as gold-filled or karat jewelry.

Gold electroplate Even though the gold layer that electroplating deposits may be 7 to 10 millionths of an inches thick, electroplate is as durable as rolled. It should be cleaned regularly using a soft, damp cloth. To remove makeup, a mild soapy water solution could be used. A treated cloth is not suitable for cleaning gold electroplate.
Gold-flashed. This type of jewelry has very little gold. The outer layer may become thin and fade after just a few wearings. Any cleaning and especially any rubbing will remove the finish.

3) Silver

Any commercially available silver cleaner will clean and touch up silver jewelry. Use soap, water, or ammonia to clean silver that has just been tarnished.

Silver-filled. Sterling silver-filled jewelry is clean and sterile. The more the jewelry gets older, the more permanent will be the patina. These patinas are irreversible.

Silver plate (or silver electroplate). Silver plate, unlike sterling silver, can last for years. You can re-plate the silver plate if you need it, though this is more common for silver tableware rather than jewelry.

4) Combination elements

Metals, including precious, can sometimes be mixed with metals and enamel. It is important to avoid removing the inlay and enamel when cleaning metals. The same caution applies to vermeil which is sterling Silver with karat Gold electroplate. Use a soft cloth and rub gently if you need to rub.

5) Gems

Some gems need special care. The care of gems includes both cleaning them and storing them. Pay particular attention to:

Amber. Amber is one of the softest gems. Always wear it carefully and store it separately. It will gradually darken with time and exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it should be stored in a cloth- or leather bag case.

A rough clothe or cloth with dirt, dust, or gritty on it should not be used to clean amber due to its softness. Amber will not be cleaned with acid and should never be worn when cleaning it. Amber will not be affected by alcohol or any other solvents, unless it is left exposed to them for an extended period. Be careful to not leave amber unattended in any cleaning agent, even if it is for a brief time. Amber can also get affected by perfume and hair spray.

Coral. Coral is fairly tough. Twig coral can be broken easily so it is important to take care when storing and wearing. Don’t forget that coral isn’t a mineral. You can ruin its luster by cleaning it with other jewelry.

Diamonds. To avoid scratching gems, diamonds should not be mixed with other gems. This rule is applicable for both cleaning and storage. One expert suggests boiling diamonds in ammonia, soap, and water for 10 seconds to clean them.

Ivory. Ivory is best washed in soapy warm water. Then dry it with a soft cloth. However, it is important to not soak ivory with soap and water. Soaking can cause it break or crack. Cleaning ivory beads requires that you do not allow the string to get wet. Otherwise, the string may become damaged and will remain wet. Do not use acid or any commercial jewelry cleaner.

Ivory gets darker as you get older. You can bleach it by using peroxide or sunlight. If peroxide was used, avoid soaking the ivory and avoid soaking it in the peroxide.
Keep in mind, ivory is permeable. Because it is soft, the temperature and heat can cause it to contract or shrink in cold. Ivory can crack from the combination of high temperatures, dryness, and prolonged exposure to sunlight. It is recommended to clean the ivory with a soft, moist cloth.

Jet. Jet, while hardy, is delicate and should not be paired with other jewelry that may scratch it. Scratching can damage the jewelry and decrease its value.

Lapis Lazulli. Lapis Lazulli’s softness makes it a great choice for men’s jewels and rings. The scratches can be difficult to polish, but they aren’t hard to fix.

Malachite. Malachite does not have the toughness of jet and is soft. It can break easily so it should be used with care. It can scratch easily and lose its polish. Avoid wearing it on your skin because malachite could turn dark brown or black.

Moonstone. Moonstone needs to be taken care of because it is soft. Moonstones are best left to their own devices and should be cleaned using only a mild soap, water, and a soft cloth.

Opals. All types of Opals require extra care. The polished stones are often very thin and susceptible to cracking or crazing. Cold weather, direct sunlight, hot water, or handling frozen foods could be some of the possible causes. Opals can shrink when exposed to cold temperatures, which could lead to them falling out of their environment. Opals are soft and susceptible to being scratched.
Opals contain as much as 10% water. They may dry out. They may dry out so experts recommend keeping them in water or a combination of water and mineral oil. This will keep them from drying and losing their fire. To clean them, you should only use mild soap with a soft brush. You shouldn’t store opals within plastic bags, commercial jewel cleaner, or acid.

Pearls. Both cultured or oriental pearls need special care. Pearls can become damaged by hair sprays, perspiration, and dust. After wearing, wipe the pearls with a soft cloth. They should also be stored in a satin-lined bag and never in a plastic bag. Because of their delicate nature, cars should be careful not to scratch them. Pearls should be worn so that they can breathe. Avoid using commercial jewelry cleaners or acids to clean them.

Peridot. Peridot is susceptible to scratches and can lose its shine. It should not be worn without care.

Topaz. Topaz should remain in darkness. Gems often fade or turn yellow in light. Some museums display some topazes that have turned clear after several decades. It cleaves easily. It does require no special cleaning.

Turquoise. Turquoise is porous so it can absorb all types of impurities.

Turquoise has a tendency to change in color with time. It may lighten, darken, or streak. Old wives’ tales say that digging turquoise in dirt can make it more vibrant. However, this advice is not specific about how long or how many grains of dirt should be absorbed. You will be better off learning how to appreciate the difference in color.

Never expose turquoise for ammonia. Ammonia can damage the surface and cause pitting. You can also damage or destroy turquoise with jewelry cleaner or acid.

One of the best ways to clean jewelry is to use mild detergent, water and a small amount of ammonia. But ammonia should never be used with certain gemstones. Fine jewelers also stock commercial jewelry cleaners. They are safe and effective for cleaning most, but no all, of your jewelry. You should always read and follow all instructions when using a commercial cleaner.

Ask your jeweler if you have questions about cleaning jewelry. Remember that a watchmaker can’t be a jeweler. You will need to seek the advice of a jeweler that is knowledgeable in metal and gems.

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