There are many methods used for teeth whitening. You can opt to do your teeth whitening at home with a kit you can buy at any drugstore or even one that can be bought from your dentist. There is also a bleach teeth whitening procedure that your dentist will do in his office. The newest procedure for whitening your teeth is the laser method and this too is done in the dentist’s healthy teeth chair.

What to Expect with the Laser Bleach Teeth Whitening Method

A teeth whitening gel is used in conjunction with a laser instrument. A bleaching gel that is translucent will be applied to your teeth. The gel is infused with crystals and a laser light will be used in order to activate those crystals. They in turn absorb energy from the laser light in order to penetrate into the enamel to increase the teeth whitening teeth whitening effect.

Often your regular dentist doesn’t perform laser bleach teeth whitening; rather a dentist schooled in cosmetic dentistry is the one to perform the procedure. How long it will take in order to whiten your teeth will depend entirely on how discolored and stained your teeth are at present.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages to the Procedure

Typically it takes just a single visit to a cosmetic dentist in order for your teeth to get lighter. A brilliant smile is the best advantage to having a teeth whitening procedure done. Though you may not have ivory white teeth, they will in fact be much brighter than when you walked into the office. Having whiter teeth will give you more self confidence and you won’t feel the need to hide your teeth when you smile.

One disadvantage to the laser teeth whitening procedure is the results are quite dramatic and those that know you well will see an immediate difference in the color of your teeth. Another disadvantage may be the high price involved as the laser bleaching technique is the most expensive of teeth whitening procedures. On the other hand, it is the fastest method to a great smile.